Supernovae happen all the time, but this one was different. "Cow," as astronomers are calling it, was a massively bright explosion 200 million light years away.
Australian researchers using a CSIRO radio telescope in Western Australia have nearly doubled the known number of 'fast radio bursts'— powerful flashes of radio waves from deep space.
Astronomers have discovered a new extremely distant object far beyond Pluto with an orbit that supports the presence of an even-farther-out, Super-Earth or larger Planet X.
“The emission is clearly above what the neutron star itself emits—it doesn’t come from the neutron star alone,” the study’s lead author stated.“This is very new.”
Using artificial intelligence algorithms, researchers with the Breakthrough Listen project discovered 72 previously undetected fast radio bursts from a still-unknown source some 3 billion light years away.
The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), a revolutionary new radio telescope, recently made its first-ever detection of a possible Fast Radio Burst (FRB).
An initiative set up to find signs of intelligent life in the universe has detected a series of mysterious radio signals from a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light years away.
Results from computer simulations confirm that young Uranus was involved in a cataclysmic collision with an object twice the mass of Earth.
A mysterious cataclysm in a neighboring galaxy was spotted in the sky above Hawaii last week, sending astronomers around the world scrambling to understand the source of the staggeringly brilliant flash.
Spectroscopic measurements of gas dynamics at the core of the Milky Way have revealed several unusual objects visibly whizzing around the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy .
A tiny fraction of dark matter could have a charge, allowing it to interact with regular matter during the time between the Big Bang and formation of the Cosmic Microwave Background, some physicists say.
Tabetha Boyajian and her colleagues reported that the star experienced its greatest dip since it was observed by the Kepler mission in 2013.
In the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), a team of astronomers recently searched through the Kepler field to look for signatures of technologically-advanced civilizations.
Contrary to what was expected, a team of astronomers has discovered that kilonova event has been brightening ever since it first appeared.